

Age Range: Newborn to 18-months
Class Structure: Once a week for 8 weeks
Class Length: 45 minute class each week
Tuition: $185.00 for 8 weeks (includes Personal Materials Pack)

What a Parent and Child Will Experience in Class:

  • In just eight lessons experience a summer’s worth of music, stories, and activities created to inspire a lifetime of learning. In a Kindermusik summer class, parents and children will play, learn, sing, dance, create, and share in the fun of making music together. A trusted Kindermusik educator guides the class through each research-proven and giggle-approved activity.

  • Inspire children’s love of learning in our delightfully engaging summer sessions. Best of all, every one of our summer class activities — the music, stories, and movement — is specially designed to nurture every child’s natural curiosity, eventually drawing each child toward learning new words, new concepts, and new big ideas.

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Busy Days

Set your baby’s day to classical music. With a little more Tchaikovsky in your “Twinkle, Twinkle” repertoire discover new ways baby benefits from the classics as you develop an appreciation for the world’s most respected music. Each lesson features new activities and songs that the parent can sing for all the places baby and mom go together—the store, the playground, the doctor, and more.

Personal Materials Pack: Off We Go! board book; streaming of music on the Kindermusik app; a shape bell, egg shaker, scarf, chime ball, mirror, snail clacker, and rainbow shaker for music-making at home.


I See You!

Inspired by baby songs and baby games from countries around the world, this collection highlights the special love between a parent and a child. Get ready to sing, bounce, tickle, sway, rock, and tap your toes to children’s songs from Sweden, New Zealand, Scotland, France, and America.

Personal Materials Pack: I See You! board book; streaming access to songs from class plus so much more on the Kindermusik app; a duck wash mitt, sensory ball, scarf, egg shaker, chime ball, shape bell, mirror for music-making at home.